Our Awards

[gva_icon_box title=?2018 The Cloud Awards? description=?Kunco wins most innovative use of data in the cloud? background_box=?#fff? icon_width=?fa-4x? image=?3437? el_class=?border-1?]
[gva_icon_box title=?2018 The IOT Awards? description=?Kunco wins most innovative use of data in the cloud? background_box=?#fff? icon_width=?fa-4x? image=?3434? el_class=?border-1?]
[gva_icon_box title=?V3 Technology Awards? description=?Kunco wins most innovative use of data in the cloud? background_box=?#fff? icon_width=?fa-4x? image=?3438? el_class=?border-1?]
[gva_icon_box title=?2018 Business Awards? description=?Kunco wins most innovative use of data in the cloud? background_box=?#fff? icon_width=?fa-4x? image=?3439? el_class=?border-1?]
[gva_icon_box title=?2018 The Big Data Awards? description=?Kunco wins most innovative use of data in the cloud? background_box=?#fff? icon_width=?fa-4x? image=?3435? el_class=?border-1?]
[gva_icon_box title=?2018 The Cloud Awards? description=?Kunco wins most innovative use of data in the cloud? background_box=?#fff? icon_width=?fa-4x? image=?3436? el_class=?border-1?]